BooksInspirationSimon Blog

‘Spiritual enema’ is how my friend Kevin describes my daily devotional ‘Choose Life’ – in his words, it ‘clears the decks and provides a welcome shot in the arm’ – metaphors galore! Well, I would definitely prefer submitting to a spiritual rather than to a physical one! 

So do you need one as 2020 comes to an end? I think we all do! 

From the start of 2021, a whole bunch of churches and individuals are going to be journeying through the year with ‘Choose Life’ as part of the Big Church 365 Read. We’d love you/your family/life group/school CU/church/etc to join us.

Every week over the year I’ll put out a short vlog (weekly video message) relating to what we’ll have been reading, which you can sign up for HERE.

To order your copy of Choose Life and join the journey, click HERE.

If you already own a copy, then please also join in. You too can sign up for the weekly video message reminders. 

Here’s to a year of breakthroughs on many levels, God bless you loads!


“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown’, and he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way’.”

Louise Haskins
GLOSimon Blog

Widow Nadine’s 6-year-old daughter died because she didn’t have £2.50 ($3).

£2.50 for a life. That is so wrong!

I tell her tragic story in this short 2-minute film.

Basically, for £2.50 ($3), Burundians can get a health card valid for three years for the whole family, which will allow them to get treatment at a government clinic without incurring crippling debts. 

Sadly, Nadine didn’t have this card to get her daughter treated, and her neighbours didn’t have the money to lend her either, so she hurriedly set about making a clay pot (her skillset) to sell… but there was not enough time, and her daughter’s ‘flu’ proved fatal.

Again, that is so wrong!

So GLO’s Christmas appeal this year is to right that wrong and provide 3000 of these vital medical cards to vulnerable families who our partner organisations have identified. 

I love this appeal because everyone can take part. Even my/our kids can afford to help a family, several even. To set a small village free from the constant fear and reality of not taking their loved ones to a hospital (because it’s too expensive) would be approximately £125 ($150). Let’s stop Nadine’s story being repeated.

What do you want for Christmas this year? I know what I want – to save lives – this will be my gift! 

I invite you to join me, be it for one family, ten or a hundred – every single one counts.

Thanks for journeying with us. We’re so grateful!

Simon Guillebaud

PS If you are looking for a meaningful and impactful Christmas gift idea, for yourself or a loved one, GLO has a great range of alternative gifts that will help lift families in Burundi out of poverty – do click here to see them.

PPS In the happy event that we meet our goal to provide 3000 health cards, we’ll make sure any additional donations are put to equally invaluable use, distributed to where the needs are greatest. Should you wish to specify a Christmas gift to a specific project or partner, please use this form:

BooksGeneralSimon Blog

Big Church Read


So lockdown started on a national level on Thursday. There’s no pretending these are easy times to go through…

…but I’ve got a proposition for you, which I’d love as many of you as possible to get behind. All the more in our enforced confinement and isolation, this could be a spiritually bonding and strengthening discipline.

We’re teaming up with St Andrew’s bookshop to get as many people as possible throughout the nation on the same page (literally) as we journey through the coming year.

Many of you have already read Choose Life – in which case, could you get your friends, family, youth group or church to join in?

If you’re not familiar with Choose Life, it was voted ‘Devotional of the Year’. It is a collection of 365 daily readings, inviting you to a year of good choices. If you embrace the challenge fully, it may be the most memorable year of your life!

Could you buy a stack load for Christmas presents? One mate has just bought 50 of them for his gang!

This Big Church 365 Read is a great way to connect youth groups, home groups, student CUs etc together during lockdown and being physically apart. Each week, I’ll post a short weekly video message to encourage those taking part.

How do I get involved?

There are two ways to join. You can buy the book for £12 and have access to the weekly videos OR join The Big Church 365 Read Club for only £24 (equivalent of £2 a month) and you will:

  • Be supporting the work of GLO to the tune of £12
  • Be sent a copy of ‘Choose Life’
  • Receive a free copy of my book, ‘Sacrifice’ 
  • Receive 10% discount on all purchases from and other offers
  • Have the opportunity to join a Choose Life trip to visit Burundi – either as an individual or as a group (dates and costs to be confirmed).

If you’re interested in getting 5/10/20/etc copies, then email Steve of St Andrew’s Bookshop for some deals on bigger volume of books.

Thanks for all your support!


No time for God? Make time! Why not get out of bed or off the couch and onto your knees? It may lead to revival. Choose Life gives you 365 daily doses of challenge and encouragement. Blessed are the radicals!
– Brother Andrew, Open Doors

Daily inspiration to help us live life to the full. I wholeheartedly recommend this fantastic resource that will help shape your day to be filled with Jesus.
– Mark Melluish, Director of Tearfund and New Wine

GLOSimon Blog

I’ve watched this three times now, and cried the first two. It’s just so beautiful! Honestly, please watch it, you won’t regret it! It goes down as one of the top ten meetings of my life… 

So here is a huge thank you to those of you who responded to last week’s email.

Actually, the point of the email was to highlight the grace of God as the foundation of our lives during times of crisis, as evidenced so beautifully by many of our precious Burundian brothers and sisters; not to ask for money – that was just a PS at the end, offering you the chance to help out with the 30 KCC staff who had taken a 40% pay cut in solidarity together because of the Covid crisis, and were now struggling simply to live.

But wow did many of you respond…

…and so to this short ‘thank you’ film. Just look how folks reacted when they received the best news they could possibly have dreamt of… There were very few dry eyes left – but this time the tears weren’t of distress, fear, or sadness, but of unadulterated joy. And I invite you to feel free in shedding your own tears of joy as you watch as well.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! And thank you Lord!

Simon Guillebaud

PS If you found the video uplifting, feel free to share it:
Facebook | Download video to share on WhatsApp

GLOSimon Blog


I’ve spent the last half-hour trying not to cry…

…I’m in a meeting with folks I journeyed with for twenty years, who are sharing reminiscences of (mostly) highs and (some) lows that we experienced together. And currently they’re battling through some really tough times.

My two biggest prayers for Burundi this year – once the pandemic struck – was that Burundi would be spared the worst of covid, and that the elections would go peacefully. For your encouragement, those prayers have both been massively answered. It genuinely seems like covid is not having an impact here – a few have got it, and all bar one have recovered, officially. Praise God! Truly, I’m so grateful to God and the many who prayed for both those things (and we had a definite and beautiful role to play in the peaceful elections).

But as with so much of the developing world, the economic impact has done far more damage than the disease itself.

Celestin and I shared an office for 5 years at our income-generating King’s Conference Centre ( He quietly asks me for a chat and says he’s speaking on behalf of the staff, several of whom I observed on arrival were noticeably thinner. Due to covid and loss of business, either some workers had to be let go, or everyone would have to take a salary reduction. They decided to stick together, but everyone has had a 40% cut. Imagine your salary was $100/month, and now it’s $60… and food prices have gone up! “Simon, it’s desperate. We can’t afford the bus so are walking each day in the sun all the way, some of us from Buterere or Kinama and back (upwards of 20km).”

It turns out one of the ladies on the team was pregnant, and she miscarried a few days ago as she struggled to walk to work.

Burundians have suffered so much. So many are beautifully stoic, resilient, and full of faith. They will overcome these difficult days, because they always do. They have so much to teach us in the fracturing West, where increasing prosperity and entitlement have not fostered resilience, rather polarisation and victimhood.

Are you feeling resilient?

How will we in the West get through these difficult days?

One answer to that question came from Leocadie last night as we chatted. She said:

It’s only by grace. We survive each day by grace. Every month, every day, it’s just God’s grace…

God grant you all such deep and real grace through these challenging times!

Simon Guillebaud in Burundi

PS If you wanted to help the 30 staff recoup those losses (no pressure at all), you could donate here:

Please let us know that this is ‘For KCC Staff’ in the message section of the donation form. In the happy event that we meet our goal to help the 30 staff, any additional donations will be put to equally invaluable use, where most needed.

GLOSimon Blog

Through the incredible generosity of so many of you, we were able to supply 615 GLO-related families with a chunky gift to help them with buying school uniforms and stationery, and getting their kids back to school. Just wonderful!

So on behalf of all the parents and children, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!

GLO’s Grace went to visit our partner New Generation to film this ‘thank you’ video so that you can catch some of the joy of kids being able to go to school. It’s less than a minute, and might just bring a tear (of joy) to your eye.

New Generation is a great outfit working with street children and seeking to raise up leaders for the country. Do check out their work here

THANKS AGAIN! We couldn’t do it without you. God bless you LOADS!


PS It’s not too late to give if you hadn’t got round to it. If that’s you, please click here

GLOSimon Blog

Leo walked 12 miles each way to and from school every day, so desperate was he to learn. That blows my mind. In the West, we’re not usually as grateful for the gift of education (although lockdown frustrations have maybe changed that a little). Recognising Leo’s commitment, we bought him a bicycle to save both time and energy. He is so deeply thankful.

walk to school

Many of my friends in Burundi during their childhood would walk 2-3 hours a day to and from the nearest school. Education is power, education is the future, education is the hope of a better life. So you sacrifice everything for it.

But this coming Monday morning is the saddest day of the year for many parents. It’s the day their children should go back to school. However, if they can’t afford the basic uniform and pen/paper pad, they can’t go.

As I packed my three kids off to school this morning, it occurred afresh to me that it’s never crossed my mind that all of them wouldn’t be able to go to school. Can you imagine having to choose one over the others? Or accepting that none can go at all?

Sometimes God intervenes beautifully, as our volunteer Maria testified recently. She’d all but given up on her three children’s chances of going to school, but she got on her knees and prayed. An old friend out of the blue contacted her and gave her an envelope of money which was enough for her urgent needs. She will never forget God’s faithfulness.

GLO’s partner organisations include 615 staff. We are under no obligation to them in this regard, but we’ve committed to giving £30 ($40) per family so that, at this the most challenging time of the year financially, they can pull through and keep their precious kids in schooling. In a sense we want to be Maria’s God-envelope of cash out of the blue for 615 families.

Do you want to be a part of it? Zero pressure if you are financially strapped, as I know many people are at this time.

If yes, be it for 1 family, or 2, or 5, or 10, click here to donate.

God bless you so much for your generosity!


PS In the happy event that we meet our goal to send gifts to all our 615 families, any additional donations will be put to equally invaluable use.

GLOInspirationSimon Blog

Have you ever wept in prayer before?

I can count on one hand the number of times I have. I guess I/we could fake it, but that’d be worse than not praying at all, I suspect.

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS… For those of us who heard it as he prayed, we were all left stunned.

Since lockdown, we have been meeting on Zoom every week with between 100 and 150 people from a dozen nations across time zones to hear what God is doing in Burundi. Various Burundian brothers and sisters leading different ministries have shared inspiring or gut-wrenching stories, and then we’ve unmuted and all prayed together, before moving onto the next leader. They’ve been amazing times.

In our last session, this is what happened…

Wow! Lord have mercy on us! May it be as he prayed! If that moved you, please share it with your networks through whichever social media platform – our strapline is ‘Transforming Burundi and Beyond…’, and this (with your help) could be seen by millions of people to stir their faith to humble themselves in prayer before God for a fresh revival. We so need it!

‘Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy.’
(Habakkuk 3:2)

As Frank Laubach prayed: “Lord, forgive us for looking at the world with dry eyes.”

Bring it on!


Here are some links to the video on social media, if you’d like to share:


Download a low-resolution version of the video (to send on WhatsApp or to show over Zoom)



Enough of the endless stream of bad news in our Covid-19-affected world, let’s read some heart-warming encouragements! The below is a selection of transformational stories from J-Life in the community of Ciya, an area decimated over the years of war:

Remember Arcade from my last newsletter, who looks like a 10-year-old but is in fact 19? He’s had his surgery in the capital, against all odds. He’s now fit and well, and itching to get on with his education. Fantastic!

Last Easter, we shared Theogene’s story. His parents had been murdered and he and his brother were destitute. We helped them out with rabbits and aubergines, and even though he’s just a young teenager, he’s made a viable business out of it. He pays his way and is excelling at school. We’ve built them a house, and they are secure and thriving, and full of gratitude. Love it!

Street-smart and influential, Mama Mugisha is a natural-born leader. Poverty forced her into prostitution, through which she contracted AIDS. Meantime she had 5 children, all from different fathers. When a microfinance project came to Ciya, her leadership was recognised and she ended up spearheading it. She developed eight different businesses, but then agonisingly lost every one of them in the 2015 crisis. When she came across J-LIFE, she had an encounter with Jesus, and renounced drinking, smoking, and prostitution.

One day, J-Life community teacher Elias asked her to join a group building a house. “Who’s it for?” “We’ll see.” She got stuck into helping the others, only to find at the end that the house was given to her! She told us: “I’m so grateful to J-Life for rescuing me from the indignity of the Devil, and giving me true dignity. People used to say to me that I would never amount to anything, let alone have my own house. I thought I was destined to always live in rented shacks. Now look at me! Receiving that home was one of the best moments in my life, and J-Life also now support my children’s schooling. I thank God!” Wow!

The nearby community centre that we built has struggled through lack of electricity. This has meant, among other things, that many children have suffered from eye problems because they had to do their homework by candle-light. Not any more! The centre is now connected to the grid, and the community’s just thrilled!

In February, I visited Boudesie and other ladies in their literacy class. I asked them to raise their hands if they couldn’t read this time last year. Hers and a number of other hands went up. Now she can read and write, and praises God. Her backstory contains so much pain, which only magnifies the joy now. She tells us:

Before I came to Jesus and learnt to pray, I had so much pain in my heart. My first husband was shot and killed, and my second husband died as well. When I became a widow, the grief overwhelmed me. I have four children and I couldn’t fathom how I would raise them. I used to cry out to God and ask Him how my life would turn out as I couldn’t read or write. My youngest child aged 5 lost his mind, but now by God’s grace is healed. Today I don’t pray for another husband. I ask God to continue to protect me and my family. I have experienced healing from the trauma and pain, and I head up a ladies’ Bible group of ten women. I am so thankful for J-Life because they’ve helped with school fees as well, and uniforms, and when I’m sad I can open the Bible and read and feel my heart be uplifted. May His name be praised!

This is just a small selection of stories that show what can happen when you pray and support our work… Just beautiful!

I hope they encourage you. Thanks for standing with us. May God sustain you through any challenges you’re going through.

Grace and peace,

Simon Guillebaud



The answer is he is not a child, he is a 19-year-old young adult called Arcade. It’s difficult to believe… but when you hardly ever get any food to eat, physical development is stunted. More of his story is below… 

…before that, I want to praise the Lord for peaceful elections. Seriously. Last time in 2015, it got really messy. But in a month of dramatic twists, the outgoing President died suddenly, and so the new President was quickly inaugurated for the sake of stability. He’s got a tough job on his hands, but I’m praying (who wouldn’t want this to happen?) that he’ll be the best President ever, for the benefit of Burundi and all Burundians. Would you join me in that please (his nickname is Neva)? And for COVID-19 to have minimal impact.

Burundi was already the hungriest country in the world, but the situation is even harder on the back of the coronavirus and closed borders. One friend sent me a Whatsapp message: 

“Hello my brother, I’m dying of hunger! Things are so tight, I haven’t eaten for three days now. I ask you as you always stood with me, I know you can’t leave me to die of hunger, please send even $10.”

I hate those messages, received in my parallel universe of (albeit frustrated and restricted) comfort in England. Some sound so hopeless, whilst others are so hopeful despite the challenges of life at the moment. Another friend writes: 

“Thanks for your heart for Burundi and my family. God who protected us during the turmoil in the valley of the shadow of death, is still the same, He never changes. I’ve been so stressed about how to feed my family, food is expensive, it’s not easy. But I went to preach in Rumonge to 1000 people, over 100 chose Jesus! God told me ”take this message of hope, I am with you”. God is in control and His blood covers us. Go on praying for us, we will not die, we will live and proclaim the wonders of God.”

Back to Arcade: he is an orphan from Ciya village in the Burundian bush. He joined GLO partner J-Life’s porridge program for the malnourished because he had what appeared to be a distended belly. Despite the regular porridge, his tummy remained swollen. Local nurses tried giving him malaria medicine as a potential cure, but that didn’t work either. Eventually, Bosco took him to Bujumbura where a tumour was detected; and with contributions from you, he’s now had surgery and is convalescing. The impossible has happened for him – the poorest destitute and forgotten village boy going for surgery in a fancy hospital in the capital city – he can’t quite believe it!

There is always hope… I don’t know how you’re feeling right now. I’ve had a few sucker punches and have been struggling at different times. But being involved in Burundi helps me maintain focus and keep a sense of perspective on my own issues. Hang in there! 

If you can possibly dig deep to help others like Arcade, please give some money/hope HERE

Thanks for caring, thanks for praying. Do share the joy with me of peaceful elections and lives transformed in Jesus’ name! 

Yours hopefully,

Simon Guillebaud