This Summer’s Speaking Schedule

Hi gang!

Below are my/our summer plans, just keeping you in the loop in case you want to come along:

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21st June – arrive back from Burundi

22nd June – Rosemary’s 80th birthday

25th June – Men’s breakfast at St Luke’s, Wimbledon Park

26th June – 1030am St Paul’s Catholic College, Burgess Hill, then 3 Counties Church Haslemere at 7pm

27th June – ANCC, Kick Off

28th June – KCC youth, Hedge End

30th June – Isle of Wight, 730pm in Newport

1st – Sunday 3rd July – annual mates’ weekend

3rd July – 2 morning services at Sunnyside Berkamstead, evening St Andrew’s Chorleywood

4th July – Lunchtime event and then GLO board meeting

5th July – 7.30pm Church of the Holy Spirit, Aylesbury

6th July – St Mary’s, Beaconsfield

7th July – St Mark’s Battersea Rise Happiness auction event

8th July – King’s school assembly

9th July – family cricket match

10th July – All Saints Marlow, 915am and 11am

11th July – King’s School assembly

12th July – Wonersh Parish Church

14th July – evening Hutchinson event

17th July – St Mark’s Battersea Rise, 3 services

21st July – Men’s event in Harpenden

23rd July – Sarah and Kevin’s wedding

24th-29th July – New Wine, daily talks on Isaiah 48

30th July – Men’s breakfast at Christchurch, Virginia Water, 8-915am

31st July – Hertford Baptist Church

1st August – Jos’ birthday

2nd-17th August – Family holiday in France

20th-27th August – Lee Abbey, a week of talks on ‘Encounters with Jesus’ – Never the Same Again

30th September – Back to Burundi

Oof! See you sometime at one of those events maybe. If not, have a great summer your end!

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