Our Home for the next 5 Weeks!

So we’re almost ready to role. In the pictures you’ll see our home for the next five weeks, with John Stinson (driver, chef, masseuse, shopper, etc) and David Strauss (videographer). Here they are putting on our Bike For Burundi stickers, having just driven across the USA from East to West coast in preparation to be our support back from San Diego to Charleston. Thanks again to Todd Gaylord for lending us his RV for the trip, it’s an incredible blessing. So, now you can picture us, please pray we all make it, stay sane(!), safe and healthy, and raise lots of awareness and interest in the Burundi cause. The official website is www.bikeforburundi.com where you can follow everyone’s blogs to get different perspectives if you like. I’m just flying out from Charleston to LA today. Bring it on!!!

Rv-1t Rv-1t Rv-1t
Rv-1t Rv-1t Rv-1t
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