Gilbos R Back – Summer Schedule…


A number of you are requesting to know our summer movements, so here they are below, do come along or invite others to come and listen at one of the venues, it’ll be great to see you:

July 1st – 925am from Brussels, Terminal 1, pick up by Tracy, back to hers to collect our car and then drive to Southampton

July 2nd – Meeting with Ambassador in London and a foundation to discuss potential support

July 3rd – Simon tests in London at Interhealth.

July 4th – Lizzie and kids dental, then to Whites for Trustees meeting

July 5th – 10am Lizzie and Grace medical appointments, then drive up to Tring, Simon all-day trustees meeting

July 6th – Mates weekend chez Whites

July 7th – Mates weekend chez Whites

July 8th – see Sarah and Dulci, leave 3pm back to So’ton

July 9th – Simon at the Lantern, Wimborne

July 10th – Simon at Bretton Baptist Church, Peterborough

July 11th – Simon at King’s Centre, Burgess Hill

July 12th – drive to Marlow, leave family, Simon men’s event Worcester back 1am

July 13th – Family cricket match and fun day

Sunday July 14th – Maidenhead and Beavingtons family do

July 15th – Simon leaders lunch Norwich and evening Filling Station

July 16th – Men’s breakfast in Holt, then memory lane visit to the Iwerne gang at Greshams and Oakham Baptist Church, Rutland, in the evening

July 18th – Simon speaking in Binscombe near Guildford

Sunday July 21st – St Paul’s at 1030am, Glenfall at 4pm and Trinity at 630pm, all in Cheltenham

July 22nd – go to Hutchinsons for the night

July 23rd – day at Hutchinsons, back in evening

July 24th – day at the Smileys

July 25th – 10th anniversary repeat dress-up

July 27th – Walkers coming over in morning, Simon at Bristol church event, 730pm St Mary Magdalene, Stoke Bishop

July 28th – Simon preaching at Freedom Church, Bath, and St Matthew’s in evening

July 29th – Simon at NW South for seminars and youth stuff

July 30th – Simon at NW South

July 31st – Simon back from NW

August 1st – Jos’ birthday

August 2nd – family minus Simon fly to France, 1155am Stanstead

August 3rd – Simon at Sanjay’s wedding, stay night in So’ton

August 4th Simon at Gateway Church, Swindon

August 5th – Simon at NW South for seminars and youth stuff

August 6th – Simon at NW North for seminars and youth stuff

August 7th – Simon at NW North

August 8th – Simon at NW North

August 9th – Simon flies out to join family in Vouharte

August 30th – all fly back from Poitiers

September 1st – we fly out back to Burundi crack of dawn from Marlow, 650am flight, to start school the next morning

Hope to see some of you sometime somewhere! Have a grrrreat summer!

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