Big Opportunities…For You?

What do you know about Slovenia? I knew virtually nothing until we went there this last week. And yesterday I got to preach at the biggest evangelical church in the country, which you’re probably thinking is a few thousand people strong. But no, it was maybe 130 people, because there are only about 500 evangelicals in the whole country! Out of a population of a little over 2 million people, that makes just 0.025%!

I think part of this year’s purpose as we travel and preach around the world is highlighting areas of need. The week before we were in Albania, with under 3000 believers out of their population of just over 3 million, i.e 0.1%. Before that in Macedonia (0.2%), which I blogged on before.

The gospel needs are huge! Do you want to get involved? Could you come as a teacher to one of these nations? Or a medical professional? Or start a business? Or just come and see? Often people say comments like ‘there are plenty of needs here in this nation to meet, so you shouldn’t go elsewhere’. I beg to differ. The needs are indeed everywhere, but much much greater in these countries than in the UK or USA. So hear the invitation from me right now – could this be for you? Do you want to be part of something so much bigger than you might have expected in this life? Just ask, and I’ll put you in touch.

From yesterday’s journal: “I preached, and the response was strong. Afterwards lots of folks came up and thanked me effusively for the passion, challenge and encouragement. Grace (as we’ve tried to encourage the kids to pray and see if God shows them whom He might bless through us) said that she wanted us to give money to a man in a purple T-shirt. He looked fine to me i.e. humanly-speaking wasn’t a stand-out case as someone in need. We asked our translator if he was in a bad way and she said yes, that his wife was looking after him and the need was acute, so we gave money to be passed on to her. That was encouraging. And then I was talking to a man called Mattheus, who told me he couldn’t work because of a dislocated finger. I asked if I could pray for him. After prayer, his eyes lit up and he said he could now move it where he couldn’t before. Brilliant! Doors are wide open to return, there are big opportunities, and all the key folks asked us to come back and serve here. Who knows, but certainly the needs are massive.”

If you want to get my journal updates, just message me. If you’re challenged about how you might get involved in such countries, again, just get in touch and I’ll connect you.

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  • I’m leading business start up training for Brits and Palestinians next week in the hope of starting more JVs like Transcend. But conscious this could be a model for Burundi – or E. Europe. Meanwhile meeting key business people in NW. Let me know if you get other entrepreneurial response. Blessings.

  • If can’t go at least must pray! A real eye opener. Thank you.

  • Thank for inspiring journal updates, please keep them coming! Blessings on all five of you! x

  • Just finished reading God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew and these were the countries he and his team were taking Bibles too. Just started a new business so will commit this to the Lord to see if any scope for my involvement. God bless you and the fam.

  • hi Simon, we were in Maribor Slovenia to hold a 3-day conference in September. They have come out from a tough regime who imprisoned Christians some decades ago – the leaders said that there were about 1000 born-again Christians in the country. The biggest challenge is the response to evangelization!

  • Hi, We were at Gateway Church, Alder Road site, Poole, today & heard you speak…!!! Wow!!!
    Please may you add me to receive your journal entries?
    Thank you!
    God bless!

  • Can you please send me your journal entries, particularly from Albania? (but really everywhere in this region, Slovenia and Macedonia included) Thank you so much!

  • It was good to hear that the Lord is opening up new ministries to you Simon. I am a retired CofE Vicar but still working in parishes and occasional chaplaincies in Europe. I have permission to officiate in Europe and Lincolnshire. I am interested to be useful in God’s harvest. If there is a need for short term help let me know. I can send you a CV if you let me have an email address.

  • Could I be added to receiving your journal entries! Thanks!

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