A Thrill of Hope…

Gloria Smiling with her sewing machine

Look at Gloria’s glorious smile! Her life has been totally transformed.

She was trafficked to the Middle East and spent ten years in prostitution. Hers was a truly hopeless and miserable life. But when she managed to escape back to Burundi, our Ephraim tracked her down and found her living in total poverty. 

He rescued her, trained her to be a tailor, got her a sewing machine, and now she’s able to make a living and provide for her daughter. Listen to her in this short film…

Just beautiful!

What I love is that with just £25/$30, we can help a vulnerable lady like Gloria start a business. And that’s what we want to do this Christmas. Could you help one such precious life, or two, or ten? Do click through to make a donation here

We have many such beautiful stories of transformation on the back of very small (to us) monetary interventions. Alida was desperate to avoid the last resort of selling her body, but the temptation was there. She tried to make ends meet by cutting hair. We then gave her a £7 loan to buy ladies’ hair products. That was a game-changer, because now she had more customers and made greater margins, so she was able to provide for herself. From her profits she’s now even bought herself a pig! And what I love is that the whole community now honours her for having resisted taking the prostitution route.

Alida Cutting Hair

It blows my mind that a £7 loan changed Alida’s destiny…

What’s Alida’s next step? Setting up her own salon!

It’s a bit early, but I wish you all a very happy Christmas, and here’s to making it all the happier for some of the last, the lost and the least on the planet!

1 Comment1928 views

1 comment

  • So true that in Burundi very small amount of money can save one’s life. Thank you for the testimonies and blessed be the people with big heart to help the vulnerables of Burundi.

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