37 Chemos, 10 Surgeries, and 22,000 Spectators…

Jeremy Marshall Still Alive for a Reason Inspired Podcast

How would you be after 37 rounds of chemotherapy and 10 surgeries? In your weakened state, would you like to go onto a football pitch at half-time and share Jesus with 22,000 spectators? Six years ago, Banker CEO Watford-fan Jeremy Marshall was given 18 months to live. He’s still alive and making the most of every opportunity. His story is so inspiring, challenging and stirring!

Four of my friends have died of cancer in the last few months. All of us have lost someone we care about, and all of us know people who are journeying right now on that difficult path. That is why I wanted to share this podcast with you – for you to listen, and then to forward on to someone else who is hurting and in need of encouragement.

So here’s the episode. You won’t regret taking the time.

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